Saturday, August 6, 2011

Welcome to WingChunOnlineMastery - in Partnership with Sifu Chuck O'Neill

"Greet what arrives, escort what leaves and rush upon loss of contact"- Grand Master Ip Man

Sifu Chuck O'Neill
Sifu Chuck started this online Wing Chun training out of the recognition that many people want to learn the art of Wing Chun but have limited access to credible school or instructor to learn from.

Sifu Chuck aims at bridging that gap in your learning of Wing Chun by giving you as close as private training sessions can give to a chosen student, like you. Now, you can master Wing Chun faster with series of Wing Chun videos by Sifu Chuck.

Videos Available for Instant Download in Order to Master Wing Chun Fast!

Sil Lim Tao Form - The foundation for the Wing Chun system. This video guides you step-by-step how to master this form.

Sil Lim Tao Drills - You can master over 12 different drills that includes: Pak Sau Cycle, Lap Sau/Bong Sau Cycle, Crossing hands/Trapping Hands and much more!

Chi Sau 1 Foundations -In this Wing Chun video, you can master Sticky Hands techniques which build the foundation of your sensitivity of defends and attacks.

Chi Sau 2 Advanced Techniques - In this video chapter, you'll build upon Chi Sau Foundations you've mastered. Mastering this, you'll find yourself becoming highly sensitive to loss of touch which will subtly tells you to launch attack at lightning-speed.

Chum Kiu Drills - A two set video covering sharpen your hands coordination to give more power to punches. 

P/s:  See what others online Wing Chun students have to say about Sifu Chuck's online training.

You can also visit Everything Wing Chun for more videos collection by other Sifus and Grand Masters.